葦洲表哥 and I are second cousin. We met over hundreds of times over the past 52 years. The first & last two times are of particular memory to me. It was in summer 1964 that I first met 葦洲表哥. I spent the summer in his house and got to know him first hand as a big person (big both in physical stature and heart).

The last occasion I spent time with 葦洲表哥 was over the mother day’s weekend this year in his mother’s apartment in Davis. As always, he was never a self-centered person and has been a very warm person to converse with. We had a few minutes of very deep, intimate & private fellowship (just he & I) after the dinner. He shared with me regarding the needed care for his family members and his plan for them. His heart has always been on his families (parents, wife, children and now grandson) & the saints. I’ll miss him.

We know each other well over the years because the Lord has brought our two families together since in our fathers’ generation. And the Lord has been keeping us together in Him for both this and next generations. It is the mercy and grace of the Lord that we can be preserved over all these years. To Him be the Lord.

表弟 Issac Jeng敬上